Shortcut To Shred

Shortcut to Shred is all about getting shredded over the period of 6 weeks. 6 days a week in the gym, around 1 hour a day- and having the perfect diet. Why is This The Best Cutting Program? – Shortcut to Shred Review. Shortcut to shred is basically one of the best cutting programs out there- if not the best. Get the full program here: to Shred will help you burn fat, build muscle, and gain strength. Learn how to train for all three.

  1. Shortcut To Shred Jim
  2. Shortcut To Shreds
  3. Shortcut To Shredded Pdf
Shortcut To Shred

I’m so close to the end of the gruelling six weeks I can almost smell it!

Week 5 out of 6 of the Shortcut to Shred completed and I’m still going strong. I must admit though, I had lost a little enthusiasm at the beginning of this week. I reached a point where I’d seen significant progress, but seemed to lack the drive to really want to press on and improve even more. Thankfully, it was the sheer normality of this routine that kept me going – almost like going to school or work. It’s just something I had to do.

As mentioned in my improvements section last week, I upped each cardioacceleration exercise to 80 seconds. This did not go unnoticed by my body. An increase of 10 seconds each doesn’t sound much. But consider I perform on average 25 cardioacceleration sets per workout – that’s an extra 25 minutes of high intensity cardio for the week! I did feel that my body was getting used to the previous cardio sets, so I don’t think there was anything wrong with pushing myself that bit extra.

I have seen a decrease in the size of my calves since the beginning of this program. I couldn’t for the life of me understand why this was happening as every other muscle group seem to be growing nicely. However, after sitting down at the seated calf press this week and seeing a handle with unknown function, I thought I’d pull it. Sure enough, like a complete imbecile, I’ve been using the calf press with the catch on. As such, the press has not been lowering to the ground stretching my calves at all. Sure, I’ve found this out late. But at least I now know for the future! *Note to self – learn how to use all gym machines properly before I try to use them.

One thing I’ve noticed recently is that it can be quite hard to talk to some people about the program I’m performing. Weirdly, certain individuals (some of them good friends of mine) think they understand health and fitness more than anyone else on the planet. It’s a very negative, pessimistic, and cocky attitude. When telling one of my friends that I’m trying to get down to 10% body fat while maintaining muscle mass, the response was a sharp “Don’t be stupid, 10% fat is what athletes are. You’re not an athlete. That’s not even a good look.” I thought that this was a disappointing response to what I’ve managed to achieve and what I’m aiming for. I won’t let it put me off though.


Shortcut To Shred Jim

Drawbacks this week – I had to attend a work event on Friday with a set meal. It was Thai green curry with white rice. Basically, an extremely high carb meal. As a consequence, I stuck to my calorie target but went well over my carb allowance for this day.

Proudest moment of the week – While walking past a mirror in my house with my shirt off, I actually noticed my chest. I’ve never had a chest before! I still don’t have much, but it’s so much better now than before I started this program.

Improvements for next week:

  1. Increase each cardioacceleration exercise to 90 seconds.
  2. Perform the optional ‘cardio accelerated rest-pause dropset’. This involves taking the last set of each exercise to failure, then performing cardioacceleration by running on the spot for 20 seconds. The weight is picked up again and reps continued until muscle failure. The weight is immediately decreased by 20-30% and lifted until final muscle failure.
Shortcut To Shred

Monday 25th February – Measurements

  • Weight: 72.7 kg (-0.7 kg)
  • Body fat: 15.30% (-1.03%)
  • Flexed arms: R=15.13″ (+0.07″) // L=14.5″ (No change)
  • Flexed calves: R=13.75″ (-0.19″) // L=13.94″ (-0.12″)
  • Shoulder circumference: 45.31″ (-0.32″)
  • Waist: 32.63″ (-0.62″)
  • Chest circumference: 36.75″ (-0.88″)
  • Upper-leg circumference: R=22.25″ (-0.25″) // L=22.25″ (-0.19″)


Shortcut To Shreds

Once again, I’ll discuss measurements in two parts. Firstly, the numbers that are key to the shred – weight, body fat percentage, and waist line. I’ve dropped another 0.7 kg this week from my total body mass leading to a 1.03% decrease in body fat. This isn’t as drastic as last week, however the numbers are still moving in the right direction. To be honest, I don’t really want to be losing any more body weight, however I think I’m going to have to if I want to reach the 10% body fat mark. I dropped another 0.62″ off my waist this week meaning that I have a 32.63″ natural waistline. I penciled my ideal waistline circumference in at 32″ before this program began, so I’m very close to reaching this goal. I think it’s fair to say I will not be reaching 10% body fat before this program is over, but I may run through it again from the beginning to see if I can drop the final bits of blubber.

Interestingly, this is the first week where I have lost rather than gained muscle size all over. Only my upper arm circumferences were slightly positive (the smallest increase to my right arm and no change to my left). All other muscles including chest, upper legs, shoulders, and calves have reduced in size. I believe that I have reached a point in this program where I am simply not consuming enough calories to stimulate muscle growth. That being said, my primary goal was fat loss. As such, I am not too worried about this dip in muscle progress.

Shortcut To Shredded Pdf


Despite the stunted muscle growth, my mirror shots this week look good. I think it’s fair to say that I now ‘have abs’ – even if it’s not yet the complete set. My upper traps are dramatically larger than they were when I started this program – this is the first week I’ve really noticed them. Also, you can tell from my side photo that my waistline really has slimmed down. I think I’m finally reaching the point where I’m pretty happy with how I look in the mirror. I certainly didn’t think that feeling was going to arrive within just six weeks.

When I write next week, the Shortcut to Shred will officially be over. I’ll be presenting my final results and I really can’t wait to share them!